

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是:  365英国上市官网(大学)应遵守16 C的适用要求.F.R. 681, a federal regulation issued by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) as part of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction (FACT) Act of 2003 requiring that financial institutions and Creditors implement written programs which provide for detection of and response to specific activities (Red Flags) that could be related to Identity Theft.

政策:  大学将实施和提供有关下列项目的持续管理:

1. 用户对地址差异的责任.
2. 有关侦测、预防和减轻身份盗窃的职责.
3. 发卡机构更改地址的责任.

适用范围及适用性:  这项政策适用于所有大学教职员工.


帐户:  A continuing relationship established by a person with a financial institution or Creditor to obtain a product or service for personal, 家庭, 家庭或商业用途. 账户包括:

i.  延长贷款期限, such as the purchase of property or services involving a deferred payment; and
ii.  定期存款帐户.
消费者报告机构:  Are entities that collect and disseminate information about consumers to be used for credit evaluation and certain other purposes.

《365英国上市官网》:  任何书面, 口服, 或消费者报告机构与消费者信用价值有关的任何信息的其他通信, 信誉, 信贷能力, 字符, 一般的声誉, 个人特征, or mode of living which is used or expected to be used or collected in whole or in part for the purpose of serving as a factor in establishing the consumer’s eligibility for:
i.  贷款:主要用于个人、家庭或家庭用途的信贷或保险;
ii.  Employment purposes; or
3.  美国法典第15卷第1681b条授权的任何其他目的.
i.  金融机构或债权人提供或维持的账户, 主要是为了个人, 家庭, 或者家庭用途, 它涉及或旨在允许多次支付或交易, 比如信用卡账户, 抵押贷款, 汽车贷款, 保证金帐户, 手机账户, 公用账户, 支票账户, or savings Account; and
ii.  Any other Account that the financial institution or Creditor offers or maintains for which there is a reasonably foreseeable risk to Customers or to the safety and soundness of the financial institution or Creditor from Identity Theft, 包括金融, 操作, 合规, 声誉, 或者诉讼风险.
债权:  任何人, 公司, 政府或政府分支机构或机构, 信任, 房地产, 伙伴关系, 合作, 或者定期扩展的协会, 更新, or continues credit; any person who regularly arranges for the extension, 更新, or continuation of credit; or any assignee of an original Creditor who participates in the decision to extend, 更新, 或者继续赊账.

顾客:  在金融机构或债权人有担保账户的人.

借记卡:  Any card issued by a financial institution to a consumer for use in initiating an electronic fund transfer from the Account of the consumer at such financial institution, 用于在账户间转账或获取资金.

  消费者报告机构根据美国第15条向用户发送的通知.S.C. 1681c(h)(1), that informs the user of a substantial difference between the address for the consumer that the user provided to request the consumer report and the address(es) in the agency's file for the consumer.

身份盗窃:  未经授权使用或企图使用他人身份信息的欺诈行为.

红色标记:  表明可能存在身份盗窃的模式、做法或特定活动.

服务提供者:  直接向金融机构或债权人提供服务的人.

信用卡发行商:  发行借记卡或信用卡的金融机构或债权人




A.  University departments which use Consumer Reports will form a reasonable belief that a consumer report relates to the consumer about whom it has requested the report when a Notice of Address Discrepancy is received by:

i.  Comparing the information in the consumer report provided by the Consumer Reporting Agency with information the department:
1.  保存在自己的记录中, 例如应用程序, 更改地址通知, other Customer Account records; or

2.  Obtains from third-party sources; or
ii.  与消费者核实消费者报告机构提供的消费者报告中的信息.
B.  University departments which use Consumer Reports will furnish an address for the consumer that the department has reasonably confirmed is accurate to the Consumer Reporting Agency from whom it received the Notice of Address Discrepancy when the department:
i.  能够形成合理的信念,认为消费者报告与使用者要求报告的消费者有关;

ii.  Established a continuing relationship with the consumer; and

3.  Regularly and in the ordinary course of business furnishes information to the Consumer Reporting Agency from which the Notice of Address Discrepancy relating to the consumer was obtained.

iv.  本署可合理地确认地址是否准确,方法如下:
1.  与被要求报告的消费者核实地址;

2.  (三)审查本单位记录,核实消费者地址;

3.  Verifying the address through third-party sources; or

4.  其他合理方式.
v.  如果适用的话, a department will furnish a consumer’s address that the department has reasonably confirmed is accurate to the Consumer Reporting Agency as part of the information it regularly furnishes for the reporting period in which it establishes a relationship with the consumer.

A.  University departments will periodically determine whether they offer or maintain Covered Accounts and as part of the determination, departments will conduct a risk assessment to determine whether it offers or maintains Covered Accounts for which there is a reasonably foreseeable risk to Customers or to the safety and soundness of the University from Identity Theft, 包括金融, 操作, 合规, 声誉, 或者诉讼风险, 考虑到:
i.  其提供的开户方式;

ii.  The methods it provides to access its Accounts; and

3.  它以前的身份盗窃经验.
B.  Each University department which offers or maintains Covered Accounts will develop and implement a written procedure (“Program”) that is designed to detect, 防止, and mitigate Identity Theft in connection with opening of a Covered Account and that is appropriate to the department’s size, 复杂性, 其活动范围旨在:
i.  识别部门提供或维护的承保账户的相关危险信号, 并将这些危险信号纳入其计划;

ii.  发现已纳入部门计划的危险信号;

3.  Respond appropriately to any Red Flags that are detected to 防止 and mitigate Identity Theft; and
C.  Each University department which offers or maintains Covered Accounts will update its Program periodically to reflect changes in risks to Customers and to the safety and soundness of the department from Identity Theft and will:
i.  让总裁及/或其指定人员参与, 在监督发展中, 计划的实施和管理;

ii.  Train staff, as necessary, to effectively implement the Program; and

3.  对服务提供者的安排进行适当和有效的监督.

iv.  参考16c附录A中的指导方针.F.R. 681,并在其计划中纳入适当的指导方针.

A.  大学系系是发卡机构, 如果有任何, will assess the validity of a change of address if it receives notification of a change of address for consumer’s Debit or Credit Card Account and, within a short period of time afterwards (during at least the first 30 calendar days after it receives such notification), 该部门收到要求为同一帐户增发或更换卡的请求.  本署在符合下列条件前,不会增发或补发身份证:
i.  通知持卡人有关申请:
1.  At the cardholder’s former address; or

2.  By any other means of communication that the Card Issuer and the cardholder have previously agreed to use; and
ii.  Provides to the cardholder a reasonable means of promptly reporting incorrect address changes; or
1.  否则,以合理的方式评估地址变更的有效性

B.  A department may satisfy the requirements of the preceding section by validating an address when it receives an address change notification before it receives a request for an additional or replacement card.  任何书面 or electronic notice that the department provides under the preceding section should be clear and conspicuous and be provided separately from its regular correspondence with the cardholder.


All programs implemented pursuant to this policy must be in 合规 with the law and with University policies and regulations and shall conform to the legal standards and requirements of the University General Counsel.


按照规定, the University created a 红旗身份盗窃保护程序 which includes online training and a short exam on the content of the training.  金融 & 行政部门强烈建议所有员工复习培训材料并每年参加一次考试.


防止身份盗窃计划:请使用NetID及密码登入.  如果你以前从未参加过培训, 当提示输入Enrollment键以访问培训和测试时,输入代码“Enrollment”(区分大小写). 


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